We need a calender on here. It also looks like they're updating their main webpage http://www.panicatthedisco.com/ :)
In other news:
~~~Also due in March, the new Ashlee Simpson album! Rejoice! (or not). She's already stealing her boyfriend's friends as well. Travis from Gym Class Heroes (good buddies of Fall Out Boy), is featured on one of the songs. This is the next song she'll be lip syncing.
~~~Mr. Ashlee Simpson is pissed. Fall Out Boy got snubbed for a Grammy nomination.. this is after they played for People Magazine's Grammy Nomination party. Poor Petey. Dude, seriously.. I know it's a major award, but look at who's nominated. Do you think any of those people have anywhere close to the insane and rabid fan base your band has? Come on... Screw Daughtry and his Grammy nominations. On a side note, he maybe joining the Simpsons at home for Christmas.. Awkward..
~~~I hope you saw the White Stripes in concert when you had the chance! According to the Y chromosome of the band, it's up to Meg White whether or not they ever tour again. (If you follow the band, you'll know that they cancelled their tour because of the drummer's health issues) Jack says he doesn't care either way. Both of us had been planning to go to a show in Fargo, ND in October, but it got cancelled :( PLEASE COME BACK OUT ON TOUR!!
And finally...
Is it just me, or does Britney REALLY want that cake...

This is from her B-day party on the 1st of December. Creepy..
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