Since Meg is off at a Hanson concert today, it's my job to get this thing up and going. (I'm sure you'll hear all about the concert from her later)

This is a band that Meg discovered.. god knows where... and then sent it to me. They're a group of 5 guys from the DC area.. where all the good bands are coming from. Anyways, some how the following song ended up on my Ipod without me know what the hell it was. I ended up rocking out to it while doing the dishes. And proceeded to stick it on repeat for the next 20 minutes. The vocal stylings sort of remind me of Brendon Urie of Panic! At the Disco.. at times. To some, that may be a bad thing. Everyone who knows me, knows I lick the ground Panic! walks on, so it's a very good thing. But I'm sure anyone who's heard of this band has heard the Brendon references enough, so I'll just end it there. Run along and check out their stuff.
"Do It Again"

(this site doesn't seem to be working now!)So here's more links!
Myspace: (ironically started yesterday)
PS: If anyone knows a better way to do a single track of audio, please let us know! But only if it's free, cos we're broke like that.
1 comment:
omg i love this! why haven't you played this for me yet!
he does sound like Urie! is he hot too?
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