When you go to a lot of concerts, you reach a point where you're not in complete and udder amazement that you're in the same room as your favorite band anymore. This is when you start getting critical and begin ranking your concert experiences. I tend to start basing mine on how they try to amuse me.
(May I point out that this is not based on the CROWD.. I could make whole new set of lists for that.. this is based on the performances)
This is mine thus far in my life:
(and I tried to use my own photos, but my camera got stolen, so I'm doing the best I can!)
The Best4. The Academy Is...

These guys have some kickass energy on stage. William runs about acting like he's Mick Jagger (seriously, find some old video of Mick Jagger and you'll see what I mean). He loves getting the crowd involved in songs. I was kind of at the side of the stage so I had a good view of the crowd, they all know his hand actions. It's great! They sound good, they look good, it just all fits.
3. Hanson

Yes. I'm serious. Hanson. I just saw them the other weekend. (That's my picture) They get a *slight* advantage because it was the last tour on the show. Anyone who knows anything about tours, knows that the last show of a tour involves practical jokes. Every song something new and completely random happened. At one point, they were singing a very serious song (about suicide.. it's called "Yearbook"). Suddenly, grown men in full on elf costumes (with tights) appeared on stage. Hanson had no idea this was going to happen. Needless to say, the band struggled to make it through the song while trying not to crack up. Plus, what other band would be fully willing to come outside in the FREEZING ASS COLD to do a charity mile long walk with their rabid fans? (Fansons are of another breed, I'm telling ya.)
2. Ok Go

These guys are crazy. And nooo.. They don't do the tredmill dance. But! They do the Million Ways dance! These guys are so friggen energentic. Damien, in particular. At one point, he ran off stage and to a staircase kind of off on the side of the floor.. he started hanging off the staircase over the crowd. He did this in a middle of the song.. without a mic. And started screaming at the crowd that we were too quiet. At another point of the crowd, they did a couple acoustic songs on just a random spot of the floor. The crowd parted for them, they whipped out some mics and guitars.. and away they went. They also were throwing out toy tamborines during the show for people to play with. Great, great band.
1. Aiden

Love 'em or hate 'em. They are incredible live. The actual playing is a little sketchy. But the crowd doesn't notice is because they're all going spastic. I have seen this band more times than any other band. Every time I go it's just mass chaos. (Notice on the picture I took, no guard rail.. creates for interesting events..) wiL constantly is up in the crowds face, jumping all about and standing on people. Same with other members of the bands.. I think it's Nick who will randomly jump into the crowd (while playing). Then.. comes wiL's version of crowd participation.. the wall of death. Any Aiden fan knows this is a staple of every show they do. No matter how small or large the crowd is. At this place, there are friggen pipes running from the ground to the ceiling.. in the middle of the crowd. There was still a wall of death. This is also your best shot of getting snot on you from the lead singer. lol. Yeah, it's gross. But it's funny. (wiL caught me saying "ew" and picked on me.)
The Worst:4. Panic! at the Disco

Ooo, did I hit a nerve? Ok I like Panic. I do. But live? Not so much. Yeah, they have a big, fantastical show with dancers and lights and fire, etc. The show I saw had a drumline.. which was cool. You want to know the last time I saw a show with THAT much production into it? It was Nsync. I hate HATE when bands get on the stage.. play.. then they're done. There's no playing with the audience, or screwing around. or anything fun. The only reason they aren't higher on my list, is because they had a drumline and a cool stage. Oh that, and seriously.. Panic! at the Disco fans ANNOY ME. I know, it's about the performance, not the crowd. But seriously, restrain yourselves. The most pathetic thing I've ever seen, was this 14 year old girl standing outside a bus window holding up a sign that said "I love Brendon".. it was the wrong bus. And she didn't believe me when I tried to tell her.
3. HIM

Again, disclaimer. I love love love HIM. One of my favorite bands, but one of my greatest disappointments. The last concert I went to was the 27th of October. I waited in line for 12 hours.. I was so pumped cos I got front row center, literally feet away from Ville.. I was bored. Ok... I wasn't like.. waiting in line at the DMV bored. And I KNOW they're a slow ballady band, so energy is not going to be a major componant. But just.. eh. It was like.. play song.. ville mutters something.. next song.. another song.. ville mutters.. song again.. and end. This was when I realized I've gotten REALLY jaded. In their defense, it was really good sounding. Unlike Aiden lol..
2. Teddy Geiger

I had a phase where I was in love with him. This concert killed it. Seriously. It sucked. He was boring, it was classic concert format (song song, say something, song song, say something, cover, song end encore). Boring as crap. BUT THEN.. and ok, this isn't technically part of the concert, but this is why I hate him. You go outside, and a lot of people kind of hang around like "oo picture autograph" whatever. There were about.. oh.. 20 girls hanging around waiting for him to come out. He sneaks out into an SUV. Ok, this is nothing new. But what does Teddy do, he DRIVES AROUND THE BLOCK and waits for everyone to leave. I'm not even joking. It was just.. inane. I could understand if there were 100 screaming fans roaming about and trying to lick the bus (like how it was for The Academy Is.. but they still came out). But no, 20 some girls. And he was too good to come and hang out. ASS. It was hot, I had just driven for 7 hours (not for Teddy, I was out of town), and I was cranky.
1. Hokey
Ok. I don't have a picture for this one. They don't deserve it. And it's kind of cheating because they're nobody anyone has heard of. I go to school for music business, and one of our class projects is to set up a show at a local bar with a few acts. Well, we got this band booked and a few others. They sounded good on myspace and the talent buyer at the bar liked the music as well. They're the last band of the night.. they get on stage and the FIRST THING out of their mouths is "we're playing all new songs tonight." Ok.. this would have been cool. If they had been like the songs they advertised on their myspace. But no. They decided to be a jam band that night. And they SUCKED. So bad.. to the point where the club owner actually kicked them off stage. He started with saying "play one more and you're done." The band didn't like that.. so they did a 10 minute repeating loop while the lead singer got on the mic and bitched about the other bands and the bar.. and he started rolling around the stage. Eventually, they cut the sound and the lights on them. WORST.. BAND.. EVER.
Anyways, sorry this turned kind of a rant. It happens. :)